Exiles Squash Club - Information 2025
For your information the following are some general points on the club:
The club is so-called because when the Chamber of Mines Sports Club in Auckland Park, closed in February 1992, the squash section moved en-masse to the present club, which was then called North Westerns, and took over the administration. We were therefore “Exiled”. The premises are owned by the Municipality who lease it to us for a nominal fee. The club is responsible for all maintenance and up-keep as well as lights and water.
We employ Collett to clean the building and run the bar and Claudius as car park attendant.
Court Fees are R20 per hour. Courts can be booked by means of an on-line booking system. The lights are operated by means of 1 hour tokens which are available from Collett during bar hours. Courts can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.
Courts block-booked for league or tournaments may not be over-booked for social games.
Members may bring guests to play at no extra cost.
The club and bar is open from 6.00pm till late, Monday to Thursday. As a member you will have the code to the digi-pad at the gate to obtain access. This code will change when deemed necessary. We have recently installed an automatic gate at the entrance to the car park to improve security at the club and we are charging a further R250 for the remote if you think one is required. Cameras have also been installed in the carpark.
The car park is attended by Claudius also from 6.00pm till late Monday to Thursday.
We have an on-line booking system which mebers have access to. The courts can be booked for company days or other events at a small premium as long as a member is involved.
The Chamber Squash Club normally enters 8 men’s league teams (Reserve down to 6th) in the Jo’burg League and ladies into the Ladies leagues which cater for all standards of squash. We also enter teams in the Jo’burg Masters league as required.
Apart from Gauteng League several tournaments are run during the year to which all members are welcome to enter. These are the handicap tournament in January/February, the Pre-League tournament in February/March (to choose league teams), the Club Championships in October/November and the Summer League in October/November. Watch the notice-board and e-mails for information and results.
Normal squash club rules apply. The one we must insist on is that non-marking shoes MUST be worn on court so that the floors last as long as possible before re-sanding is required.
For any queries phone me on 079-5284441. Our application form is here : Apply
Our web-site is
John Shannon