General Meeting of Gauteng Masters Squash


The Annual General Meeting of Gauteng Masters Squash will be held at Parkview Squash Centre on Thursday 29TH January 2009 at 6.30 p.m.


1. Notice of Meeting
2. Welcome
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on 31st January 2008
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Matters arising from Chairman’s Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Matters arising from Treasurer’s Report
8. Election of Committee
9. General

N.B. In terms of the Constitution, nominations for new committee members, duly seconded, must be made in writing not less than two weeks prior to the AGM to:

Jan Gilberson
Fax: 088 011 787 3285

Your present Committee is as follows:

Roy Kirby Chairperson
Bruce Ward-Smith Treasurer
Jan Gilberson Secretary
Jean Grainger
Vic Lopes
Fiona McLean-Wilson (Standing Down)
Vince Olley
Mish Wentzel