9th league vs. Bryanston
The “poisonous pen” is back from yet another life-threatening injury.
On first and supposedly leading from the front was our “cappy” Pete Fillmore. 1st game 9-0, second game 9-3 – all too easy – on next was “ek” – better start warming up, however Pete makes a few mistakes and “gives” the third 7-9……and the 4th 5-9 and so on to the 5th…………..leads 7-5, gets to 7 all, bit of a d*ng-d*ng, gets “moeg” and hands it 7-9.
Bad luck Pete…………like “hell”
Anyway on next is the sports reporter……….whipped him 3-0……..enough said.
Up next is our man Graham Vermaak (GV). Last years record – played 15, won……..not many, lost……..plenty.
GV informs all that this is a “new” GV……well…….the warm up indicates that he shouldn’t have a problem and therefore should comfortable whip his oppo.
To cut a long story short GV lost 1-3.
At the aftermatch drinks it was suggested, very subtely I might add, by Mr ‘anonymous’ that “Poffadder” 7ths were looking for a player - and would he like to apply – remembering not to submit his 2007 record.
So our top 2 lost what should have been easy .
On at the same time is “sore shoulder, sore arm, sore ankle, no brain, bent and buckled and very slow about the court” Big G – Gavin Martin.
Loses the first comfortably, wins the 2nd just, loses the 3rd comfortably, wins the 4th just, and on to the 5th, however, and Pete le Roux – you must be forgiven for intimating that Big G gave a “classy performance” in his last outing – as we had to ask Wits to open the big gate to let him in, his head was so big.
This was neither classy nor good for the team as we were now level pegging at 8 all.
5th goes to 7 all and Big G is “buggered” to say the least……………and in fact……………@#$&*%............playing against a chappy by the name of Roy………well with the help of the umpire who shall remain anonymous, gets ‘given’ a dubious stroke advantage at 8-7 (referred afterwards as RobRoy) and wins 9-7.
Match result: 11-8