6th League “B”(Best) vs Parkview

6ththLeague “B”(Best) vs Parkview

Luckily (maybe not given the result) Duncan managed to organise a court for us at Joburg Country Club – Chamber being in the dark. After relaying messages to all about the relocation we started just after 7.

Phil went on first against Fritz. Phil narrowly lost the first 10-9, but fought back to win the second 9-2. The next two went down 9-6 and 9-2. A 3-1 loss

Ryan went on against Dave. I think it must have been the all the bionic knee brace on one leg and the knee guard on the other that put me off. After a reasonable fight for a 10-8 loss in the first, the second two were 9-4 and 9-1 down. A 3-0 loss

Duncan then took on another Dave. Duncan took the first 9-5 then the lights went out! But luckily (?) it was only the new squash centre that had lost power – the old courts were with lights and available, even if they were cold are relatively dark. The next two were lost 9-3 and 9-4. Duncan came back in the fourth but no luck going down 10-8. A 3-1 loss

Dirk was left to salvage some pride against Chris. This game was on at the same time as Duncan’s so he also suffered the change in courts mid way through. This was real see-saw with Dirk up and then down in a hard game. First up 9-6, then down 9-4, then up 9-6 then down 9-6. The match saw Dirk fetching some amazing drops but went down in the last 9-6. A 3-2 loss

Match result : 8-13