9th league vs. Edenvale
In business “most of us” are taught that you learn by your mistakes, but “OUR CAPPY Pete Fillmore” forgot to listen.............result last week.........2 – 3.........result this week 2 – 3.
Anyway, to the rescue comes the sports reporter.......and as Churchill stated.........somewhere on that useless island.......... ‘Never have so many, owed so much, to .................yes you are right.............one up and coming youngster ........”. as yet another ‘klap’ was issued to the oppo.......3 – 0.
On next is the ‘ol boy Big G – Gavin Martin.
Last week I commented on how slow he was about the court........well without wanting to labour the point........when its your time to hang up your squash racquet........then one should do so gracefully.......and let me tell you he’s old and definitely not graceful about the court. Anyway Big G got klapped 1 – 3.
So we are all square in games but down 1 – 2 in matches.
This is not a good situation as Mr. Lazy.......... Dave Hamilton is up next.........loses the 1st, wins the 2nd .....just......... and then somehow wins the next 2..........to redeem himself.......well done Dave.
Squash Rule No. 233 (c) for Dave Hamilton...............you are allowed to run
Squash lesson for Big G.........it is regarded as good practice to make your oppo. tired before you get tired.
Match result: 11-7