The 7th staying focused, we turned the tables against Wanderers the second time having lost 6-11 in the first round!!!
No 1 - Duncan vs N Manterfield 14-16 15-8 9-15 15-13 15-11
Tough one but Duncan pulled the rabbit out of the hat when it was needed!!
No 2 - Gerhard vs J Urry 15-13 15-11 15-11
Still running scared and trying to up my average (also good win against BYE last week)
No 3 - Jacques vs B McMillan 10-15 15-9 15-12 15-12
Jacques taking good advice from the Scribe and managed a good win against a very determined and very fast Bruce
No 4 - Stuart vs G Duffy 11-15 15-4 15-9 15-7
Stuart, discovering his talent and shots in the second and never looked back……
16-4 to Chamber
Just made the Pizza and beer at Nuno’s !!
Match score: 16 - 4