Suburbs are unbeaten so far this season. On Monday night a hopeful SMS was sent out to the team by the captain “See you there to beat the league leaders”
Jeff went on first against a fired-up Boucher. After being drilled in the 1st, baldy dug in and wore Bouch down to win 3-0
The Silver Fox then came up against Creton who didn’t appreciate the cold lob, boast drop game. An easy 3-0 win to the Silver Fox.
An upset was on the cards as Dave went on against Mark. Dave had obviously been watching Trevor too much as every other shot was a boast which Mark read time after time. Dave scraped the 3rd game but was well beaten 3-1.
Chris (CmC) then had to win a game against Kurt for victory. CmC played great squash to frustrate an out-of-sorts Kurt and win 3-0.
Suburbs did have their top 2 players missing (Richard having opted for a night at the theatre rather than a night at the courts!!!!!!!) but hey there’s no comments column on the results sheet. We rubbed it in big-time, but hopefully they still win the league over Jeppe.
The waitresses at Ginos are much prettier than at Nunos – we’re thinking of making it our local (who cares about the distance). Dave drives home via
A drive through the snow finished off the evening.
Result 13-4