First match we have lost
Julie won 3-2
Jenny won 3-0
Chrisna lost 0-3
Megan lost 0-3
overall result
Well nothing really to say, Jenny went on first had a very easy game against their No 2. Then Julie went on lost the first as it was like having a human juggernaut on court, she had no idea where she was running and was out of control most of the time, little bit intimidating, then Julie took the next two 9-0, lost the 4th 5-9 ( out of control running came back, then won the 5th 9-5. Not an easy game. Their no 3 and 4 where certainly better players than their no 2 but then Alberton did get whipped in the 1st round against our other side in 4th League ( pay back time). Chrisna lost her first game 10-8 and then some wheels came off and her normal routine of being 0-2 down and winning 3-2 didn’t come right. Megan Farquhar, Jenny's daughter played at No 4 and did well saying that it was her first ever league match. Well played Megan.