5th League vs Old Eds
Having thrashed Eds in the first round this should have been easy but no…
Silver Fox lost 1-3 (after an elbow to the solar plexis in the 3rd left me winded)
The King played royal squash to win 3-0
Richard won 3-1
Gavin lost 1-3 to an on-fire Dennis Bass (he’s either hot or cold and tonight he was hot)
We snuck in by a few points
Overall result: Won 10 – 7
5th League vs Wanderers
Having thrashed Wanderers in the first round this should also have been easy but AGAIN no…
Silver Fox lost 1-3 (with no excuse this time)
Richard lost 1-3
Duncan saved our blushes and won 3-2
Ron lost 1-3 after an attack of weekend floor laying
A sad result which knocked us off the top of the league
Overall result: Lost 6 - 14