10th OMT (Old Mans Team) vs Chamber YMT
Ø Keith played young Jean-Philip at #1. He got 9, 7 & 7 points.0/3
Ø Des played Warwick at # 2. Only managed 4 points in the 1st. Then Des really got going taking both the 2nd and the 3rd 15 – 13! Fell apart in the 4th to go down 6 – 15. Lost the 5th as well getting 10 points. Thanks and well done Des for saving us from a whitewash! 2/3
Ø JohAn played Richard at # 3. He also only managed 4 points in the 1st, getting into it in the 2nd with 12. Alas, only got 8 points in the 3rd. 0/3.
Ø Johnno went on against Matium at #4. He got 11, 8 & 10 points. 0/3
Off to Doppio (as usual) all four of us and three of them.
Overall result: Lost 2 – 16