7th League vs. Jeppe

Good win for the 7th against Jeppe!

12 -8

At 1 - Duncan played against George Duarte and klapped him 3-0. Duncan displayed some clinical and precise squash and continues with his good form after winning the lower leagues B section.

At 2 –Gerhard played Nelson Ries and lost 2-3. According to John S everybody wins against Nelson. Well, the seagull’s name was Nelson and I lost. Also flirting with some conduct rules on court. Remaining and still the only scribe……..

At 3- Jacques played Tavo Roxo and lost 2-3. Jacques “incredible hulk” was 2-0 up when he got bogged down with cramps…(something to do with not enough space for his calf muscles??)

At 4-Manie played Niel van Jaarsveld and won 3-2. Captain courageous playing out of his socks (and new black prince shoes) to secure the win for Chambers.

Good pizza and beers at Nuno’s to end a good evening.


The Scribe

Match score: 12 - 8