What a way to end our season. The force is strong with us. Such a shame the opponents had to come all the way from Krugersdorp to get walloped. But we will humbly accept our victory…
Playing at number 4 – Keith vs ??: won 3 – 2. Keith maintains that this is the first 5 setter that he’s played in 25 years. He was 2 – 1 down and had aggravated a hamstring injury sustained during action cricket (he’s our Mr Activity). So he heeded the advice of the gallery and just played winners for the next two games to leave a devastated opponent gasping.
Playing at number 3 – Graham vs. Phil (jnr): won 3 – 2. Graham returned straight from three weeks of gallivanting about
Playing at number 2 – Nigel vs. Collin: won 3 – 0. Collin was filling in for the regular no. 2 and never got into the game. Or maybe I was just in devastating form and mopped up before he knew which way was up.
Playing at number 1 – Phil Alves vs. Phil (snr): won 3 – 0. Phil A cruised through the first two games without breaking a sweat, but almost got a blip on his scoresheet in the final game, eventually taking it 10 – 8.
Final result: won 16 - 4
So that’s it for the season. We’ll spend the next two weeks sharpening up for Summer League.
Final result 16-4