Comfortable win by 1 point!
Your truly (Chris vanH) went on first at No.2 against Tony, a new player to 5th league, and unfortunately my “Argus” legs did not get moving, apart from one game. Lost 3-1
Dave P on next at No.4 against Dick, a new player from Soweto (a League virgin as Dave called him), and although loosing the second and giving his team members concerns over his ability to keep going (after the flue) managed a comfortable 3-1 win.
Next up was Gavin B at No.3 against Michael Hurwitz with a comfortable 3-0 win.
That left it to Vevek, filling in from 4th league to get us a game to secure the win, but no luck, and Vevek could not get into gear and lost 3-0.
Gaving B and Tony from Old Eds did the maths, and after calling for a re-audit/count the final result was that we won by 1 point. Easy win?
Match result : 9 – 7