6thth League A vs Parkview

Foxy against Brice – Lost 1-3

On the night, this guy was just too good for our Foxy and maybe his mind was already on the 2 week trip to the UK eating cold Pork Pie………

Tiny George P against Gie – Lost 0-3

TGP SOBWE (means…. Tiny George P still on big weekend !!) Did not see the ball, hear the ball or speak to the ball. Complained about the “funny way” the ball is bouncing on the Park View courts. Too much tequila does that to you Georgie…..

Gerhard against Ronaldo (Bruce Lee’s other brother) – WON 3-2

Tough one on the night and should have finished it off after the 4th but decided I need the exercise and won 17-15 in the 5th.

Hendrik against Howard – Lost 0-3

Hendrik being warned beforehand that the oke is left handed did not help and also commenting afterwards that he doesn’t know WTF his doing. Hendrik you are playing league squash Boet and yes, plenty of games left to sort out the mind…….


The Scribe

Match result : 4 - 14